Education Leadership and Beyond: Surviving & Thriving with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #34 - aired Saturday 1/27/18
9am live or on the app anytime country 107.7 WDLC, 106.9 WYNC, Wall Radio, & Pocono 96.7
Podcast link: Podcast #34: 10 Ways Not to Suck by today's guest Peter Shankman
I had the privilege of talking with Peter Shankman this week on Ed Leadership & Beyond. Peter is an awesome guy who is doing great things in NYC and beyond. Here is a short bio from his website:
Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure, and make it work to your advantage. An author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker, this “worldwide connector” is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.
Show #34's concept was built around a speech Peter gave in 2017 called 10 Ways Not to Suck. He was frustrated about his flight experience on the way to the conference and changed his whole speech that morning. Want to NOT suck at what you do?
Here's Peter's advice:
Peter is very open in our conversation about adhd & add. We spoke openly about eating, sleeping, alcohol, and making time for the important things in life. Peter is a living example of knowing oneself and doing the things that work for you. He also grew up about a mile away from me on the rock: Staten Island! Enjoy the podcast: podcast with Peter Shankman
I had the privilege of talking with Peter Shankman this week on Ed Leadership & Beyond. Peter is an awesome guy who is doing great things in NYC and beyond. Here is a short bio from his website:
Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure, and make it work to your advantage. An author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker, this “worldwide connector” is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.
Show #34's concept was built around a speech Peter gave in 2017 called 10 Ways Not to Suck. He was frustrated about his flight experience on the way to the conference and changed his whole speech that morning. Want to NOT suck at what you do?
Here's Peter's advice:
- Do your HW...whatever you are involved in--guests, work, you hw and learn something about the person. I share the story of when I lost my Dad. It was my first game back officiating since his funeral services. I was shaking the hands of the coaches as I do each and every game. I got to the last assistant coach who pulled me in close and said " I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Father." Wow: that caught me off guard. It was like a punch to the face. I remember that moment with such clarity. It was such a small gesture, but an important one for me. I was impressed that "coach did his HW!"
- Listen to your audience: hear them, listen to them, and give them what they ask for. This is not just a business concept, and can be used by all leaders.
- Brand everything you do: In the technological world we live in, attach your name to everything you do. Peter shares the story of a cool video he made that has almost 2 million views on youtube, yet he failed to put his name to it. A golden opportunity missed yet an important lesson learned.
- Be transparent--be honest: so simple, yet in our complex world, this virtue seems to be disappearing. With all that we see in gov't and the celebrity world, we don't see much of this. Peter is a real example of this. He says reach out to me--I can help you, and that is exactly what he did here. We connected about my book, his book, and bam: he was on the podcast. Transparent and up front. Great work Peter!
- Relevant: make your work matter. There is so much garbage out there. Make your work, your life relevant.
- Top of mind: how can I help you? When you have this question in the forefront of your brain, you truly will be looking to help others in a meaningful way. I share the story of trying to help my wife in the kitchen. She's cooking, cleaning, and handling all that comes her way, and I USED to just barge in there, get in her way, and think I was helping her. Ahhh, no! She trained me in the ways of the force and now I ask her (and many others) those magic words: How Can I Help You?
- Differentiate yourself: How do you stand out among the rest?
- Understand yourself--what works for you: again a simple concept, yet very, very important. I guess we learn this more with age. As I write this blog at (9:14pm on a school night), I know I have to get to bed. 4:45am comes early and if I am going to have any chance at a good workout in the am, I need my rest.
- Have a support team, a mastermind group: Who is in your kitchen cabinet?
Peter is very open in our conversation about adhd & add. We spoke openly about eating, sleeping, alcohol, and making time for the important things in life. Peter is a living example of knowing oneself and doing the things that work for you. He also grew up about a mile away from me on the rock: Staten Island! Enjoy the podcast: podcast with Peter Shankman
Quote: “People with means give opportunities to people they trust. Be someone people trust”
-Peter Shankman
Next week's guest is: Dr. Marc Frankel, podiatrist, Milford, PA
Go out and change the world for the better.
Andrew Marotta
Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving 125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All School Principals.
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