Monday, January 29, 2018

10 Ways Not to Suck with my guest: entrepreneur, author, adhd/add expert : Peter Shankman

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #34 - aired Saturday 1/27/18
9am live or on the app anytime country 107.7 WDLC, 106.9 WYNC, Wall Radio, & Pocono 96.7

Podcast link: Podcast #34: 10 Ways Not to Suck by today's guest Peter Shankman

   I had the privilege of talking with Peter Shankman this week on Ed Leadership & Beyond.  Peter is an awesome guy who is doing great things in NYC and beyond.  Here is a short bio from his website:
Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure, and make it work to your advantage. An author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker, this “worldwide connector” is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.

Show #34's  concept was built around a speech Peter gave in 2017 called 10 Ways Not to Suck.  He was frustrated about his flight experience on the way to the conference and changed his whole speech that morning.  Want to NOT suck at what you do? 

 Here's Peter's advice:

  1. Do your HW...whatever you are involved in--guests, work, you hw and learn something about the person. I share the story of when I lost my Dad. It was my first game back officiating since his funeral services. I was shaking the hands of the coaches as I do each and every game. I got to the last assistant coach who pulled me in close and said " I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Father." Wow: that caught me off guard. It was like a punch to the face. I remember that moment with such clarity. It was such a small gesture, but an important one for me. I was impressed that "coach did his HW!"
  2. Listen to your audience: hear them, listen to them, and give them what they ask for. This is not just a business concept, and can be used by all leaders.
  3. Brand everything you do: In the technological world we live in, attach your name to everything you do. Peter shares the story of a cool video he made that has almost 2 million views on youtube, yet he failed to put his name to it. A golden opportunity missed yet an important lesson learned.
  4. Be transparent--be honest: so simple, yet in our complex world, this virtue seems to be disappearing. With all that we see in gov't and the celebrity world, we don't see much of this. Peter is a real example of this. He says reach out to me--I can help you, and that is exactly what he did here. We connected about my book, his book, and bam: he was on the podcast. Transparent and up front. Great work Peter!
  5. Relevant: make your work matter. There is so much garbage out there. Make your work, your life relevant.
  6. Breviety: The great Hall of Fame Port Jervis HS teacher Kevin Birmingham told me when speaking in public: be like a comet: beautiful, memorable, and brief!
  7. Top of mind: how can I help you? When you have this question in the forefront of your brain, you truly will be looking to help others in a meaningful way. I share the story of trying to help my wife in the kitchen. She's cooking, cleaning, and handling all that comes her way, and I USED to just barge in there, get in her way, and think I was helping her. Ahhh, no! She trained me in the ways of the force and now I ask her (and many others) those magic words: How Can I Help You?
  8. Differentiate yourself: How do you stand out among the rest?
  9. Understand yourself--what works for you: again a simple concept, yet very, very important. I guess we learn this more with age. As I write this blog at (9:14pm on a school night), I know I have to get to bed. 4:45am comes early and if I am going to have any chance at a good workout in the am, I need my rest.
  10. Have a support team, a mastermind group: Who is in your kitchen cabinet?

Peter is very open in our conversation about adhd & add.  We spoke openly about eating, sleeping, alcohol, and making time for the important things in life.  Peter is a living example of knowing oneself and doing the things that work for you.  He also grew up about a mile away from me on the rock: Staten Island!  Enjoy the podcast: podcast with Peter Shankman

Book recommendation: Faster Than Normal, Peter Shankman

People with means give opportunities to people they trust.  Be someone people trust”
-Peter Shankman

Next week's guest is:  Dr. Marc Frankel, podiatrist, Milford, PA

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All School Principals.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition coming soon!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #33 - aired Saturday 1/20/18
9am live or on the app anytime country 107.7 WDLC, 106.9 WYNC, Wall Radio, & Pocono 96.7

Podcast link: Podcast #33: O+A=R with guest Padraic McCarthy

O+A= R

Opportunity + Action= Results....Think about all the opportunities that come to us each and every day. Not all are good, but there are many things that come at us daily that we can jump on that will help us get better. Do you want to get better? Are there areas in your life that you want to improve upon? Then, you have to start to take advantage of the opportunities that come our way each day.

I learned this formula from my friend & mentor Dr. Rob Gilbert. Here’s your first “O”—Call his hotline daily! # 973-743-4690.  It is free and it is awesome.

This concept reminds me of the story of the man caught in a flood. He prayed and prayed for God to save him. There was a knock at the door—It was EMS workers offering to assist him with evacuating. He said to them—"God will save me."
 Two hours later
 The water then flooded up to the second floor of his home. Boats were in the streets rescuing people. They called out for the man, but he yelled back: “God will save me!” The water continued to rise...He now was on his roof. Finally, a helicopter with a basket offered a pickup to safety. The man yelled back: "I have faith—God will save me!!!!"

Sadly, the man drowned. As he was entering the gates of heaven, God was there greeting people. The man looked at God angrily and said, “I trusted you and put my belief in you to save me!” God replied: “Yes Son. I tried three times to save you and you declined my help!!!!!” 

Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way ...Opportunity + Action= Results...O+A=R

Today on the program we meet Padraic McCarthy, science teacher at Port Jervis HS. I selected this concept because Paddy alway provides me and those around him opportunities to learn everyday. Paddy introduced me to podcasts some years ago sharing concepts and ideas that he learned on his way to work each day. Specifically, he shared with me about the Dad’s Edge podcast with Larry Hagner @gooddadproject. I took the “O” & put it into “A”—downloaded the podcast and made time to listen...This produced “R” in my life as a father and husband. Larry offers great advice, guests, and perspective on being a father, man, and good person in 2018! If it weren’t for Paddy and his daily “opportunities”, I may never have found this great resource.

Paddy shares his experiences as a teacher, father, and adventurist—Teaching in the Dakotas, raising pigs and bees, and being an overall super guy: tune in here:  Show #33 with Paddy Mccarthy

Book recommendation: Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson

“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything, so if I am going to learn, I must do it by listening.
Larry King

Next week's guest is author, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, specialist on ADD/ADHD & “worldwide connector” Peter Shankman

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All School Principals.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition coming soon!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog # 32--Man it's cold out there! w/ my guest Superintendent of Schools in Middletown, NY Dr. Ken Eastwood

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #32 - aired Saturday 1/13/18
9am live or on the app anytime country 107.7 WDLC, 106.9 WYNC, Wall Radio, & Pocono 96.7

Podcast link: Podcast #32--Man it's cold out there! with guest Dr. Ken Eastwood
It was freezing out the past couple of weeks in NE Pennsylvania and the hudson valley in NY.  So cold, that my hot water heater went then the basement gas stove as well.  The basement temps were in the high 20's--NOT good.  Then co-director of Team Marotta, Mrs. Marotta, got the flu and was not only cold, but out of commision.  It was so cold in the basement, the tubes (not pipes but flex tubing) began to freeze.  Not only did we not have hot water, we were losing all water. I had a minor situation on my hands that I needed to get under control.  As a high school Principal, I've dealt with many situations that needed immediate and swift attention-this was one of those.  I took a moment to assess all that was happening with the house and the cold and then went to action--scheduled a plumber, ordered a new hot water heater, got the gas company to replenish, spent some time on youtube to get the gas stove re-lit and running, and made sure the Mrs. had what she needed--all the while taking care of my 3 angels--Claire, Matthew, and Tessa.  It was a busy and stressful time....& we made it through.  As I prepared for this show, I scrapped my plan I had and told this story: 

As leaders, we are constantly faced with crisis situations.  This was not a major crisis and it could have been worse....and it turned out ok.  In reflecting and preparing for the show, I jotted down some thoughts about crisis situations and techniques to handle them as best you can...simple and useful, put them into practice next time (and there will always be a next time) you are faced with a situation:

#1:  Stay Calm.
#2:  Stay whoa is me attitude.
#3: Analyze & prioritize...what exactly is happening and what needs to be done first.
#4:  Begin with the end in mind...Habit 2 of Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people...Where are you trying to get to?
#5:  Make an action plan.
#6:  Check with the kitchen cabinet:  you team of trusted friends, relatives, and colleagues that you can rely on.
#7:  Communicate, communicate, communicate.

This week, I had a great opportunity to learn from and speak to Dr. Ken Eastwood, Superintendent of Middletown schools.  Dr. Eastwood is retiring this January 2018 and shared great perspective and stories from his time at Middletown.  He talked about walking into the crisis situation of a former Sup who was convicted of a youth sex offense as well as a grad rate in the 50's.  He also talked about his vision of creating equal opportunities for all students...regardless of racial or financial makeup: free college classes for all students, access to technology music, the arts, and sports for all, free lunch, and more for the students.  Middletown is on the map as a leader in many areas thanks to the leadership of Dr. Eastwood.  Tune in to hear a great show:  Podcast with Dr. Eastwood

Next week's guest is Port Jervis HS science teacher Paddy McCarthy

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All School Principals.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition coming soon!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #31 - aired Saturday 1/6/18
9am live or on the app anytime country 107.7 WDLC, 106.9 WYNC, Wall Radio, & Pocono 96.7

Podcast link: Podcast #31 with Captain Ted Dabney: Shake it off & step up

         An old donkey fell into an abandoned well on a farm.  He was screaming and wailing for help.  When the farmer heard the yells, he did not know how to save the donkey, so he thought, I'll just bury him and put him out of his misery.  So he began throwing dirt into the well.  The donkey then screamed louder.  This made the farmer speed up throwing the dirt into the well so the donkey wouldn't suffer any more.  The farmer actually went and got some more help to throw the dirt faster.  Then the screaming stopped.

             The farmer looked down into the well and was shocked....The donkey was shaking off the dirt and stepping up.  He was almost out of the well, because he shook off the dirt that fell on top of him and stepped up.  The farmer and his help sped up the process until the donkey was able to jump out of the well because they had thrown so much dirt in there.

       Amazing right?  I love this story from my friend Dr. Rob Gilbert from Montclair State University.  What's the moral of the story?  We are all going to have misfortune in our lives.  We are all going to have dirt thrown on us.  How can we turn this into a positive?  How can we use the circumstances to help us?  We can (just like the donkey!) shake it off and step up.  We've all heard this advice before, and for me, this story is so literal.  I can see it happening in the well.  Here in 2018--shake it off and step up.  It is not always going to work out for you so you have to make the best of the situations around you.

           Today's guest on the program is Captain Ted Dabney.  Captain Ted flys for United Airlines and is the co-owner of Maybrothers Landscaping in Milford, PA. Image result for united airlines We talk life, leadership, and life with twin boys.  Captain Ted describes what it is like to make decisions in the cockpit as Captain vs. when he was the co-pilot.  We also discuss his positive attitude towards work and family....& how he balances it all.  Tune in and enjoy:  Broadcast with Captain Ted 

Image result for Ted Dabney Maybrothers landscaping

Next week's guest is Middletown Superintendent of schools Dr. Ken Eastwood.

Quote: "It's not how much time you put in, it's what you put into the time."

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my first book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All School Principals.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition coming soon!