Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blog #44 Education Leadership and Beyond with Guest Dan Rockwell

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #44: Do your job with Guest Dan Rockwell

This weeks sponsor:
The Coaching & Leadership Journal edited by Dan Spainhour: order your 12 month subscription today with a 20% discount for Ed Leadership & Beyond listeners: use code ELB20

Podcast link: #44: Do your job with Dan Rockwell

In this weeks episode, we meet Dan Rockwell.  Dan is a star in the field of leadership and is doing great things with his blog, The Leadership Freak.  Dan has been an inspiration to me personally because of the content of his blogs as well as the way he writes. His writings are straight-forward, pertinent topics, and just seem to hit home with me with where I am in my life. After I interviewed him, I felt more of a connection.  Enjoy the show Podcast #44 with Dan Rockwell: Do Your Job

          This week’s content came from Dan’s March 3rd blog entitled Do your Job.  We wrote about the book by David  Halberstam entitled The Education of a Coach.  As leaders, Dan gives three tips that we can do not only to better do our jobs, yet support our colleagues and those who follow.  I found these three tips simple yet practice and purposeful:

1.     #1: Do the work:  Don’t just show the way, get your hands dirty and do the work too.  In terms of being a Principal, I don’t just talk about teaching with engagement, I try to model it in my meetings and activities with my staff.  I also try to get my hands dirty--help clean up a spill, pick up garbage while walking the building, or even cover a class.  No job is too big or small--Do The Work!

         #2:  Support others while they work: Challenge and cheer Dan writes.  I've struggled at times trying to motivate others...trying to make them the  best they can be and it has backfired.  People have gotten angry at me stating that I made them feel that they were doing a poor job.  I really like this concept: challenge and cheer!

        #3: Remove the obstacles:  Lastly, as a leader, Dan shares about removing the obstacles for others.  Think about how many people give you an excuse of why they did NOT do something.  They gave you the reasons why not?  Remove the obstacles, discuss the reasons why and get others to Do Their Jobs!

    Dan's work can be found here: The Leadership Freak

Enjoy the podcast.  Order your copy of The Principal: Surviving and Thriving today!  Click here

Quote: Not all readers are leaders, yet all leaders are readers.
Harry S. Truman

Book Recommendation: The Education of a Coach by David Halberstam

Next week's guest is psychologist and author from the College of St. Rose Dr. Stephen "Bird" Birchak


Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All Leaders.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition found here

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blog Post #43 How to be at your Best When it Matters Most

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #43 with PJHS Drama Director Ruth Gordon &stduents Shannon Klotz & Kennedy Sanok

Podcast link: Podcast #43

How to be at your best when it matters most.  Is it an interview, a first date, a big game, or the big performance of Grease opening up this weekend at our high school, Port Jervis HS in Port Jervis, NY?

It would be so easy if we could be right? Be at our best when it matter most. Then life happens--we get nervous, we start over thinking it, we get fearful that something will go wrong, etc, etc, etc.  It's like our brains get over- connected to our hormones and screws us up.  How come some can do it?--Be their best in the biggest moments?  How do they do it?  How could you do it?

Here are some tips that you could put into place TODAY.  These are from listening to the man himself, Dr. Gilbert from success hotline 973-743-4690 and from own experiences.  Give them a try.

#1  Breathe--7 seconds in, hold for 7 seconds, then breath out for 7.  Try this 2-3 times....

#2   There is no life and death, no do or die, no this is it.  If it doesn't happen in that moment, life will move on.  You may not have the same opportunity, but you will have different ones.

#3   It is OK to feel this way: nervous, anxious, excited.  That is normal.  Tell yourself: Self, it s ok I feel this way.  I am going to be fine.

#4  Meditation--Have you tried it?  Doesn't have to be all fancy in a yoga studio with relaxing music in the background.  It can just be words, phrases, thoughts that mean something to you.  Recite them gently, slowly in your head or out loud.  Trust me--You are not crazy.

#5  Rest and water.  #understated  If you feel good, you will do good.  Do a little each day vs. trying to do a lot a little of the time.

#6  Routine.  Read the quote at the bottom of the blog.  Ruth Gordon, our play director, gave me this quote from Aristotle. Do something over and over and you are bound to get better at it.  #10000hours 

      Excited for our students and music teachers at Port Jervis HS @pjhs_principals and this weekend's musical: Grease.  If you are local, come out and see the show.  The kids are great!  In this week's podcast #43 I talk with musical director Ruthann Gordon & two stars of the show Shannon Klotz & Kennedy Sanok.  Not only are they stars on the stages, they are outstanding students and young people.  Thanks for listening.

Enjoy the podcast.  Order your copy of The Principal: Surviving and Thriving today!  Click here

Quote:  We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

Next week's guest is psychologist and author Dr. Stephen "Bird" Birchak

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All Leaders.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition found here

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Blog #41--The Real Surviving in Surviving & Thriving with guest Pete Connors

Education Leadership and Beyond:  Surviving & Thriving  with Andrew Marotta
Podcast #41 with Pete Connors of Shabby Studios

Podcast link: Link to Podcast #41 with Pete Connors

Cancer. Music. Chasing your passions.  What a mix.  This week we meet Pete Conners of Shabby Studios and the band Mr. LoveJoy.  Pete is all three and more.  In getting to know Pete and prep for the show, I reflected back to the famous, moving speech by Jimmy V in the spring of '93.

This speech put Cancer on the map and really drew attention to the importance of fundraising for cancer research. The speech was raw & real. He was a NYer in NC and stood out in so many ways, including winning at the highest level in arguably the most competitive conference in the NCAA's.

In his speech, Coach Valvano highlighted some very important things. Things we should do everyday in our life. I feel so blessed while writing this that my family and I are healthy and have made an effort to live life full with these passions. Coach V pleaded for everyone to do these actions each day:

1. Laugh

2. Think
3. Be moved to tears with your emotions
4. Enjoy your life, the precious moments
5. Be enthusiastic. Nothing great can ever be accomplished without enthusiasm.
His ending message was probably his most important:
Don’t give up...Don’t ever give up!

This has become the line that represents the V Foundation and inspires so many.

Enjoy the podcast with guest Pete Connors. If you are interested in learning more about Lynch Syndrome and/or making a donation to Pete's fundraiser, contact Pete at:

Pete also is a great musician and writer. Pete created the opening sound to the show. Contact him if you are interested!

Enjoy the podcast.  Order your copy of the Principal: Surviving and Thriving today!  Click here

Quote:  “Don’t wait until you have cancer to live the life you want to live.  Live it now!

P. Connors.

Go out and change the world for the better.

Andrew Marotta

Check out my book:
The Principal: Surviving and Thriving  125 Points of Wisdom, Practical Tips, and Relatable Stories for All Leaders.
Found on, amazon, and all online retailers.  For bulk orders, email  Now available in kindle edition. Audible edition found here